Adega de Lobo
Buy our organic wines and spirits direct from the Wolf's Own Cellar Door or online at the Loja de Lobo.
Wolf's Own Distillery is completely carbon neutral and is home to the world's only triple distilled spirits.
Matilha de Lobo
The Wolf Pack supports the sociocultural benefits and are rewarded with exclusive offers from Wolf's Own Estate.
Loja de Lobo
We sell a wide variety of organic seasonal produce. View our online store and see when we're next at local markets.
The journey to revive Rabo de Lobo and Varandas
In 2018, Wolf's Own Estate started the journey to revive Rabo de Labo and Varandas to their former glory and establish them as ecologically sustainable vineyards that are centerpieces for eco-tourism in the Alentejo region.
Our vineyards can be traced back to some of the foundations of wine growing in the Ervidel parish.

Rabo de Lobo
Named after the rare red grape originally grown here, Rabo de Lobo is being revived to its forming glory as we continue to preserve the proud heritage of the Alentego wine region.
The vine Rabo de Lobo is not very known, and we managed to preserve a few of the original vines. The grape variety gets its name from the way its grape bunches resembles the end of a wolf’s tail.
Rabo de Lobo Vineyard is the smallest of our vineyards producing six different varietals producing a mixture of red and white grapes across its modest 4.2 hecatares.
It is also home to our organic citris orchard brimming with oranges, lemon and lime that are the essence of our renowned citrus liquors.

Our largest vineyard at 18.45 hectares, Varandas, will soon be home to our farmhouse restaurant overlooking the vineyard, olive grove and bordering Rabo de Labo organic citris orchards.
Varandas is currently being restored to its former glory. The vineyard is planned on an ecological footprint to reduce the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals and to use natural methods of fertilisation. Over 17 hectares of the property is currently being rehabilitated.
As part of our commitment to preserving the proud wine culture of the Alentejo region, Varandas will be replanted with local varietals including Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez (cousin of Tempranillo), Mureto, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Trincadeira, as well as the internationally applauded French varietal, Viognier.
Wolfs Own Estate Online
Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong pig prosciutto sirloin, pastrami leberkas pork chop ribeye alcatra shoulder. Frankfurter pork chop filet mignon, shoulder spare ribs rump ribeye fatback kielbasa leberkas beef t-bone kevin tongue capicola. Burgdoggen hamburger meatball jowl, chicken tri-tip boudin chuck short loin biltong alcatra ribeye salami jerky cupim. Flank boudin ground round shankle, rump strip steak ham hock spare ribs kevin.
Looking for organic produce straight from our eco-farm?
Wolf's Own Estate reguarly attends the Ervidel local farmers markets with organic seasonal produce freshly picked for our eco-farm. Find out when we're next there.